Productions and Events

”The Actor is the theatre.” Michael Chekhov

The Chekhov Collective was formed in 2013 by a group of professional actors wanting to put the actor and the ensemble at the centre of the creative process. The company is inspired by the acting techniques of Michael Chekhov and is under the artistic leadership of Rena Polley.

by Anton Chekhov

For the past few years The Chekhov Collective has presented Theatrical Readings of Literary Works, focusing on the short stories of Anton Chekhov. Like a theatrical pop-up book, these readings begin with the actors at stands, with script in hand, as they slowly lift the story off the page bringing to life the rich world of Anton Chekhov.

This year we are presenting A Doctor’s Visit. It tells the story of a doctor’s apprentice who travels outside of Moscow to treat the daughter of a wealthy factory owner. Nothing appears to be the matter, until the family convinces him to stay the night. 
For more information visit :


During the pandemic, when theatres were closed, The Chekhov Collective created a small piece to be viewed at home. Combining improvisation with elements of the Michael Chekhov technique, From A Distance is 10 brief scenes exploring how a couple grapples with different ways of responding to the pandemic.

We kept it simple. We recorded it on Zoom, each in our separate homes, each scene improvised.

We hope From A Distance captures a moment in this historic time, and on a medium that will forever be associated with the pandemic.